
What is the Day Out of Time? Cosmic Energies for July 26, 2023-2024 Jul 25, 2023

What is the Day Out of Time?

The Day Out of Time (DOOT) is a holy day that signifies the celebration of ending a one-year cycle, akin to New Year's Eve on December 31st.

It occurs on July 25th every year, just...

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Align to the Natural Flow of Life with the Dreamspell Galactic Calendar Jul 21, 2023

Reconnecting with Natural Time Cycles, Harmonizing with with Solar and Lunar Cycles, and Manifesting Authentic Self-Expression in Your Lifetime

How often do you feel trapped in the confines of unnatural time?

Do you...

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When I Did Things on My Own Feb 15, 2023

When I did things on my own, I got really far.

I could do good work and I was always over-flowing with exciting ideas.

I’d flesh those ideas out, I’d do the inner work, I knew my deeper why, and...

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Are You Someone Who Desires Abundance? Jan 30, 2023

If one of the words you often focus on is abundance, this is for you.

Do you know what's really underneath your desire for abundance?

Here's the deeper reason why many of us innately want it:

The main reason we are drawn...

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Manifestation Is a Path to Recognizing Your Divine Individuality Jan 24, 2023

 Manifestation is a path to recognizing your divine individuality.

 In our natural world, we see the multiplicity and diversity of the One (Undivided Source) with the plethora of species that exist throughout...

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Reflections on the Power of Community Dec 06, 2022

I’m landing back home from a weekend away with one of my sacred business teams—Relational Somatic Healing.

Over the two and half days we were together, we spent time casting our circle and setting sacred...

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Choose to Tune Into Specific Energies That Support Your Soul Sep 16, 2022
Everything, everything, is energy.
When we remember the truth that E=MC², we remember that everything is energy vibrating at a specific frequency, however fast or slow, and light or dense.
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A White Mirror Wavespell Astrology Pulse + Your Self Liberation Sep 13, 2022

Hey beautiful soul,

A new manifestation cycle begins today!

Each cycle starts over every 13 days (called a wavespell), in the 13-moon Dreamspell Calendar system, and today is Day 1.

Let's see how we can super...

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What Is Authentic Awakening Anyway? May 25, 2022

What is authentic awakening you might ask?

It is the journey of awakening to the truth of the nature of reality itself and who you really are, and then integrating it so you can embody it in real-time with all of your...

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Awakening Goes Hand-In-Hand With Healing May 23, 2022

We do our healing work because we want to return to our wholeness and experience less struggle, stress, and suffering in life.

We do our healing work because we want to become the better versions of ourselves...

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Your Initiation is Divinely Guided Nov 08, 2021

I stepped through a gate.

I have walked the fire path of initiation.

I've done this before in so many ways.

Every time we journey forward and meet the next threshold, doesn't it always feels like the first one?

I stepped...

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One Thing You’ll Need if You Truly Want to Heal Oct 18, 2021

If you want to heal and ascend, you have to understand that you are a 𝓶𝓾𝓵𝓽𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓫𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰.

This means that your healing journey REQUIRES a 𝙢𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚!

I'm going to say something you probably don't...

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Walking The Path of Dhamma Oct 11, 2021

Walking the path of dhamma. 

Dhamma is the Pali word (the language spoken by Buddha) that, in essence, means the true and eternal nature of reality. It is universal truth. In Sanskrit, it is the same as Dharma.


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