Reflections on the Power of Community

community relationships Dec 06, 2022

I’m landing back home from a weekend away with one of my sacred business teams—Relational Somatic Healing.

Over the two and half days we were together, we spent time casting our circle and setting sacred space, so that we could dive into the connecting, visioning, planning, and creative processes.

Our main goal was to go deeper with investing into the development of ourselves as teachers of the Relational Somatic Healing approach, in order to be more able to meet the current demand, and ultimately serve more of our communities by sharing this powerfully healing way of working.

A key pillar of the entire process was how each of the seven of us were engaging in relationship with ourselves, and with each other, during our time together.

In order to develop ourselves, we also needed to develop our relationships with each other.

It works synergistically.

Since it’s December, I’m entering into a period where I’m reflecting on this past year.


It’s been a very full year for me, unlike any other I’ve experienced before.

I’ve never been to so many business-centered retreats, meetings, conventions, rituals, and ceremonies, as I have during 2022.

They’ve been both big and small, ranging from intimate retreats at one of my mentor’s homes, to camping overnight at Harbin hot springs, to a huge Las Vegas Arena with over 10,000 people.

It’s been truly remarkable to be both stretched, forged, empowered, lifted up, inspired, humbled, and most of all, seen for who I am in a much bigger way.


This year has opened up my eyes even wider to the power of community—specifically communities where the core intention is simple: to keep learning, growing, and shifting our consciousness so that we can better ourselves, which in turn helps us serve others more.


Communities like these also help us with:

  • Continually learning to embody lifestyles that feel healthy and are aligned with our ethics and values
  • Developing inner security and more freedom (time freedom, financial freedom, and inner freedom)
  • Owning our power and stepping into the next level on our path

And most of all, helps us with engaging the world and creating a body of work that is deeply nourishing on a soul level, without doing it alone.

The power of groups like these, are in the connection, support, loving-kindness, and togetherness.

It’s the healthy, loving, and authentic relationships that hold the power to penetrate through the old stories that say we’re not enough, not liked, not wanted, or not important.


It’s these soul connections that have the potent power to lift us up and help us remember our wholeness and our incredible value, which we all need, especially when we feel down, alone, or are struggling in some way.


We all know that life can be incredibly hard, no matter what your status or situation is.

Trying to make forward movement in your life all by yourself, makes it exponentially harder.

If you’re anything like me, you may have developed a strong sense of self-reliance, which is great in a lot of ways.

However, it keeps us from knowing how to do healthy interdependence with others, which includes being able to ask for help and get the support we really need.


If you’re also like me, in that you experienced some form of bullying, othering, or were outcast by your peers in your childhood or teenage years, then being around groups of other people can feel really hard, scary, and unsafe.

What I know so far after a decade of being a therapist and helping hundreds of clients in thousands of sessions, and even longer than that of being on an awakening and spiritual path, is that one of the opportunities we get while here in life is to turn our pains into our gifts.


We get to put ourselves through the gauntlet of the transformation process itself, and create beautiful new stories of healing, empowerment, and love, out of our old stories of suffering, trauma, and isolation.

So for me, when it comes to being in groups and allowing myself to be seen, to show up authentically, and be held, witnessed, and even adored for who I really am, I get the opportunity to receive a divine healing experience that is the exact medicine for my soul.

I know how precious safe and sacred connections are, because I know exactly what it feels like not to have them.

If the core wound of humanity is the illusion of separation, then the medicine is the reality of connection and oneness. 

The medicine is the direct experience of returning to what is real and true—the truth that we aren’t alone, that we are enough, and more than that, we are a divine spark of Source that carries sacred gifts just waiting to be shared.


The gift you have to offer to the world is yourself.

But we often can’t actually perceive this truth unless we are with other people.

And, it can’t be a relationship that is coming from the head or ego persona.


When we are brave enough, and humble enough, to relate with others from our deepest truths and share transparently what is real in our hearts, and they relate back to us in the same way, the magic of real healing becomes possible.


We need each other to reflect back to us that which we cannot immediately see in ourselves.

We need to share ourselves, and be free to express our authentic truth, in groups that hold it with the utmost reverence and respect.


All of this is to try to convey the fact that, when you are a part of a community with relationships that are safe, loving, respectful, and committed to supporting your growth, you become unstoppable with the degree of positive impact that you are capable of doing in this world.


The power of being together, which includes holding our differences, has the ability to lift you up so that you can expand your mind, your consciousness, your heart, and your awareness even further than you could have ever imagined.

I literally would not be where I am today without the people and communities this year that have injected significant amounts of love into my fuel tank.

I’ll be reflecting more deeply on all of my group retreats over the year as this month unfolds, but here’s one thing I know for sure:

Soul tribe is where it’s at.

Relationships are ESSENTIAL.


There’s a reason why taking refuge in sangha (spiritual community) is one of the three jewels in Buddhism.

To wrap this up, let's consult our wonderful ally death, and think about this for a moment: 

You’re on your death bed at the end of your life.

What do you want to be surrounding you? All the things you’ve acquired? Your car? Your house? Your money?



You would wish for your dearest and closest loved ones.

The people that you’ve had the deepest, most rewarding, and most loving relationships with.

That's how important our relationships are.

I'll leave you with this:

Learning how to heal ourselves and awaken through healthy and loving relationships is possible.

I’m proof of it, my colleagues and clients are proof of it, and we’re all still going for more because it’s an endless journey of learning.

If you’re reading this, that means you’re in my circle, and I am so blessed to be walking with you along this sacred path.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙏


May you continue to find and meet the people that feed your soul and help you awaken through the light of mutual love.


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