Align to the Natural Flow of Life with the Dreamspell Galactic Calendar
Jul 21, 2023
Reconnecting with Natural Time Cycles, Harmonizing with with Solar and Lunar Cycles, and Manifesting Authentic Self-Expression in Your Lifetime
How often do you feel trapped in the confines of unnatural time?
Do you find yourself longing to tap into the boundless flow of life’s energy, and manifest a reality that aligns with your true soul essence?
(Some catchy words, I know, but they happen to represent very real things…)
If so, the Dreamspell Galactic Calendar is system that can help guide you on a wildly transformative journey of self-knowledge and soul empowerment.
How do I know?
Because it’s what happened for me.
Before you read any further, you should know that I’m not interested in convincing anyone that this is the system you NEED to know, or that it will be the one and only thing that will help liberate you from your current situation.
My approach to awakening and healing understands that there are many different tools, techniques, modalities, methods, and systems, that are all effective in their own way.
This happens to be one powerfully effective system out of many that I use and teach.
I believe in listening to what calls to you, what draws you in, and what catches your interest, in order to discover what medicine you’re needing at that point in time.
Anytime I talk about this system, I am simply sharing what knowledge, wisdom, and lived experience I have with the intention that it may help someone else, light a pathway forward, and open up their ability to perceive greater information that serves their healing.
As with any system, it’s not for everyone.
The ones that this system IS for though, can receive an incredibly new way of understanding themselves, their natural soul qualities, and their relationships with others.
How do I know?
Because I’ve gotten to witness in real-time, how all of this and more, has happened for my clients and students that I have shared this system with. Just like me, as they continue to use and implement this system, they experience mind-blowing synchronicities all the time, gain deep insight into their life path, their relationships, and suddenly see solutions to the blocks that they often struggle with.
Reconnecting with Natural Time Cycles
The Dreamspell Galactic Calendar is not just a calendar that divides up time in order to track it; it’s an alive system that invites you to break free from the constraints of the dominant societal time structure that negatively affects our entire mental, emotional, and psychological state of being. By learning to engage with the natural patterning of time, as revealed by the celestial bodies in our solar system, you can rediscover the unique soul essence that you truly are and start to feel an easeful, creative flow to your life.
When we align ourselves with the cosmic rhythms, we unlock our extraordinary creative potential and embark on a path of consciously creating a life that is a high expression of the artistry of our Spirit. By reconnecting with the natural cycles of the moon and sun specifically, we can tap into a wellspring of wisdom that teaches us how the entire creation process itself works in the Universe.
The artificial time cycles that we have been entrained to (like the 12 arbitrary and uneven months of the mainstream Gregorian calendar, or the 60 minute hours of a mechanical clock) alienate us from our true nature, and from life itself. It keeps us trapped in a false psychological sense of time that is limited, scarce, based on money, and we constantly feel ‘out of sync.’ We think we’re behind, we go too fast and try to rush the process, want to be at the end, or we delay and feel that we’re wasting our time, or have an anxious sense that time is passing us by. We never feel like we have enough time. This is a mental state that creates intense suffering.
This mental state that is created by being disconnected from the natural flow of life is one of the main reasons why it’s incredibly difficult for us to follow the timeless wisdom of the Universe that can help us.
How easy do you find it to actually apply the following sayings to your life?
Trust the timing.
It’s all in Divine right timing.
Relax, all in good time.
Let go of time and just flow.
Just be in the timeless NOW.
I watch over and over again, as people are in a constant war with their own mind. They struggle to stop the incessant and overactive thinking. They crave being able to stop thinking and worrying all the time, but they don’t know how.
"Time is the atmosphere of the mind."
Jose Arguelles
How we measure this infinite unfolding flow of now moments determines the atmosphere of our mind.
If we measure and divide up the flow of time with naturally occurring events, such as with the astrological cycles of planets, the sun, the cycle of our moon, and the seasons of the earth, we will be in-sync with the natural unfolding of creation itself as it occurs every day.
If we measure and divide up the flow of time with unnaturally occurring events, such as with the mechanistic machine of the man-made clock, we become less accurate, marching to a different frequency, and out of sync with what is real.
For those of you who experience the unpleasant effect of artificially losing an hour with Daylight Savings Time, you have a glimpse of just how impactful our syncing and tracking of time is on our whole state of being.
With unnatural time, the law is: time = money
With natural time, the law is: time = art
"Who owns your time owns your mind.
Change your time and you change your mind.
Change your mind and you change your world.
Own your own time and know your own mind."
Jose Arguelles
Harmonizing with Solar and Lunar Cycles
The good news is that we can reconnect to natural time cycles, and we can harmonize with them, meaning we can emit and radiate out our own natural energetic frequencies (that are unique to our body-mind-soul expression) in a way that is complimentary and co-creates a beautiful, more complex melody of the grand song of life.
Our physical bodies and psyches are intimately connected to, and influenced by, the Earth and the transits of the moon, sun, stars, and the other planets close to us. We have circadian rhythms that are affected by the sunlight rising in the mornings, and the darkness coming in the evenings. When we’re in sync with the seasons, the monthly cycles of the moon, and the daily cycles of the day and night, our bodies function more optimally, more fluidly, and we feel better overall.
However, when we harmonize and entrain our whole being to man-made time and synthetic structures, including artificial lights and clocks, we experience disconnection, fear, anxiety, and stress.
The Galactic Calendar offers a powerful antidote to this disconnection by teaching us the specific energies and cycles of the sun and the moon. By embracing these two natural flows, we can wake up out of the disconnected and unconscious slumber, and find that there is a natural harmony within ourselves and the world around us. By harmonizing with these two most impactful celestial bodies to earth—the sun and the moon—we can release the burden of constant thoughts about limited time and step into a state of presence, wonder, and deep alignment with the natural creative impulses that want to come through us.
Manifesting Authentic Self-Expression in Your Lifetime
The time you have in this life is a precious gift, and the Dreamspell can empower you to consciously choose what you want to create with it. It invites you to reflect upon and consider the path that aligns with your soul's purpose. By learning the moon energy and sun energy that are coded by your birthday, you can discover an ancient lens that gives you profound insight into your life's purpose, and what you're here to learn and create in this lifetime. When you lean in and start to engage the specific cosmic energies defined by this system, you become empowered to manifest a life that is a true expression of your authentic self.
This system expands our perception by opening up new avenues of awareness and inquiry. When your mind and consciousness are no longer bound by the limitations of societal conditioning, you can actively free yourself from mental stress, confusion, and start to gain back lost energy. We need our life force energy, along with a sacred direction, in order to manifest a life that feels joyful and authentic to us. The Galactic Calendar offers a clear roadmap to better understand your natural powers, see the higher vision of your unique potential, and gives you the actual steps to take in order to live a highly enriched life. It has significantly helped me build a life that is filled with deep meaning, more liberated self-expression, and real spiritual awakening.
The Transformative Power of the Dreamspell Galactic Calendar is a Sacred Offering
The Dreamspell Galactic Calendar offers us a gateway to reconnect, expand, and become more conscious creators.
The time is always now to time to reclaim your natural power, to heal, and to free yourself from the burden of constant thoughts about time.
If you’re resonating, this is an invitation to go deeper and learn more about the transformative potential of the 13-Moon Dreamspell Calendar.
Remember, the universe always has your back.
Feeling called to learn more about the transformative potential of the Dreamspell Galactic Calendar?
To learn more and start your transformative journey, you can watch my free masterclass that teaches you the 13 creative energies of the moon here: The Way of Sacred Manifestation
Share your thoughts and experiences about reconnecting to natural time with me over on Instagram or Facebook! How does living in alignment with the cycles of the sun and moon resonate with you?
Join me on this incredible journey and let’s support the awakening and healing of our beloved communities!
#GalacticCalendar #Dreamspell #Timelessness #Naturaltime #LawofTime #Manifestation #SoulEmpowerment
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