Walking The Path of Dhamma

ascension dhamma guided meditation nonduality silence soul path soul work spiritual awakening spiritual practice Oct 11, 2021
vipassana meditation and spiritual awakening tibetan singing bowl

Walking the path of dhamma. 

Dhamma is the Pali word (the language spoken by Buddha) that, in essence, means the true and eternal nature of reality. It is universal truth. In Sanskrit, it is the same as Dharma.

The flame of dhamma ignited within me at my first 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat. That was the time when I was completely blown open to absolute silence, stillness, and vibrant, alive, fluid, flowing, free, Truth. 

My mind stopped. Completely. 

I remained. 

More clear, bright, and lucid than I had ever been.

Everything was a joy, a delight. I giggled in pure glee simply watching the bees and butterflies dancing around the flower bushes. 

Every single tension, physical or mental contraction, had completely dissolved as a result of doing the work. Sitting in strong determination while meditating. I moved through physical pain, mental fears, avoidance, and I burst out the other side. 

I walked in this state for weeks afterwards. 

I was absolutely changed. From then on, my entire life would never be the same. I could now tell what was in right alignment for me or not. You can know when you are out of integrity, or if something is not right for you. You now have a deeply established compass that will point you in the right direction for the remainder of this life.

I understood what it means to walk in Truth. To practice walking this path of dhamma. 

It's a path of waking up from the dream. Of becoming the lucid dreamer. Of liberating yourself from the grip of the ego-mind. 

It's a restoring of Divine order, where you are no longer controlled by your mind. You reclaim your mastery to use it as a faithful and helpful servant. 

I am in deep gratitude to all of my teachers, all of the buddhas who have come before me, and who will come after me, for showing me this dhamma path, and teaching me how to walk it. 

We have to know where we are going, if we want to start walking. You can walk aimlessly. You can do what I did for a couple of years, which was to walk and think that you're doing the spiritual work, but only getting so far, and not very quickly. 

I'm not saying this is a quick path but if you point your car in the right direction in the first place, won't you have a much better likelihood of actually reaching your destination?

Your True north calls you, always.

It is here.

In this moment, right here, right now, I invite you to simply take one moment to close your eyes.

Take a deep breath.


Just be. 

In the words of one of my teachers, and my dhamma partner: 
Wake up first. Then do whatever you want. 

I love you all.

May you be liberated. May you be peaceful. May you be happy.

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