Galactic Astrology: Blue Night Wavespell Jan 6-18 2025

13moon abundance cosmic wisdom dreamspell galactic calendar manifestation soul path soul work wavespell Jan 06, 2025

Today marks the beginning of the next 13-day cycle!

This time, it’s the wavespell of the Blue Night.

(I happen to be a Blue Night, so this archetype is an energy that is not only near and dear to my heart, but it is one that I have deeply worked with for many years, and continue to do so on my own soul embodiment journey. If you want to know what sign you are, put in your birthday here to find out.)


Understanding Blue Night

Let's take a quick look at the Blue Night energies, so you can have a better idea on how to flow with this cycle.

Blue Night is the archetype that holds the energies of: DREAMS, INTUITION, and ABUNDANCE.

The color blue in the Dreamspell system is TRANSFORMING, and is associated with the direction of WEST.

The energy of Blue Night invites us to tap into the power of our dreams and remember abundance!

I’m talking about both the dreams we have while sleeping, and dreams we have while awake.

The dreamtime, as understood by more ancient and indigenous peoples, is a dimension that is always here.

We are always dreaming, according to them.

You’re dreaming right now.

So what does it mean to dream, then? I invite you to explore this question.

Blue Night is a medicine to scarcity consciousness and the sense of separation from something greater.

Incredible worlds, that are often bizarre, are created for us to experience every time we dream at night.

Worlds and situations that defy our usual logic and rationality appear vividly in our awareness.

You can literally dream of anything.

This is a power of the Blue Night—reminding us that limitation in the dreamtime does not exist.

There is an infinite abundance of dreams that we can have, and if we’re awake, we can dream up and imagine an infinite number of scenarios.

Dreams are also a powerful avenue to receive intuitive information.

Even before I discovered that I was a Blue Night in this astrological system, I wrote my Master’s thesis on Dreams and Intuition in Psychotherapy.

I have always received important information through paying attention to, and unpacking my dreams.


The Power of Dreams and Intuition

This is the perfect 13-day cycle that brings the opportunity to bring more focus to your dreams, and do some work with the places where you have scarcity consciousness. Do a dream journal as much as you can for 10-13 days. Actively practice day dreaming and letting your imagination have room to roam (in a creative or regenerative way).

Blue Night also invites us to return to the truth that we are inherently interconnected with the field of The All That Is.

Blue Night asks us to re-awaken to the co-creative magic of dreaming, imagining, receiving guidance, and enjoying the truth of abundance that is all around us.

During this cycle, we can also spend time with developing our intuition through many different practices. Find ones that you’re drawn to.


Practical Tips for the Blue Night Cycle



What to do over the next 13 days:

Play with Blue Night’s energies throughout the next 13 days.

🌌 How does Blue Night’s energies of dreaming, intuition, and abundance make sense to you?

🌌 Write down, or audio record your dreams. Even a few words or sentences can help pin it down from being lost. You can also draw pictures.

🌌 Notice where you automatically have limited thinking. Whenever you think there is scarcity, what happens to your mind, body, emotions, and experience of reality?

🌌 Practice tuning into your intuitive channels. How do you best receive information?

🌌 Set intentions every night before you go to sleep: “I will remember my dreams. I have excellent dream recall.”

🌌 It’s also the perfect time to practice lucid dreaming! Affirm: “I will remember to recognize that I am dreaming.”


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