Are You Someone Who Desires Abundance?

abundance ascension consciousness enlightenment higher self self realization soul work Jan 30, 2023

If one of the words you often focus on is abundance, this is for you.

Do you know what's really underneath your desire for abundance?

Here's the deeper reason why many of us innately want it:

The main reason we are drawn to abundance (of any kind) is because we want to feel safe and secure.

It doesn't matter whether you want financial abundance, time abundance, or abundance of love, connection, or joy.

We want to feel at ease and not be bogged down by stress that puts our nervous system into frequent modes of over-activation.

The real secret core reason though, is that the desire for abundance is a way in which we naturally desire, and are moved towards, more enlightened states of consciousness.

We desire abundance because we're looking for inner peace and freedom.

From one perspective, we know that having enough money to easily pay our bills, enjoy healthy and delicious foods, be able to enjoy services like dining out, adventures, activities, and also have the resources to give attention to our physical, mental, and emotional wellness, takes a certain amount of money to make it way easier.

Sure, a lot of people are searching for convenience and short cuts to jump to an abundant life, but I would bet that most of us who truly desire divine abundance aren't necessarily looking for an easy way out.

We're looking for living life in a way that we know, from deep in our souls, is possible.

A life where divine abundance means we have a regulated nervous system, creative flow, joy, loving relationships, and where we don't feel like we are chained to the dominant culture that constantly conditions us to feel valuable and worthy only if we are being productive and consuming.

We don't want to feel like we need to check out from our lives by mindlessly scrolling.

We really want to check IN to our lives, have more presence in our moments with our friends, family, and loved ones, and we don't want to live in fear and scarcity.

Scarcity consciousness is living in a constant state of fear.

We're looking for the opposite of that.
We're looking for the Truth.

The Truth is that abundance is already here, now!

When we come fully into the present moment, and we are awake, aware, lucid, and embodied, we find that this moment is absolutely full of EVERYTHING.

When we come out of the mind and back to our essential nature as pure awareness, we lack nothing, and it becomes the ground from which gratitude easily springs forth.

We find that sense of ease, inner safety, and security that only comes from connection to Self and Source Spirit.

The desire for abundance is just one doorway through which we can be called to awaken to the Truth of reality.

When we abide more and more in these more awakened states of consciousness, we experience the exact sense of abundant safety, security, and inner peace that we were searching for all along.

If you desire abundance, there's no need to feel shame or judgement about it.

We can look deeper and see it as a beckoning from Spirit for us to wake up and realize that we are already so abundant.

We just don't often see that abundance was always right here, all along.

The desire for abundance is simply one way that we journey towards our true selves and towards unity with Spirit, as we do the inner work to clear away fear, scarcity, and everything that falsely separates us from it.

If you take some time to reflect on your deepest why you desire abundance, what words come up for you?

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