A White Mirror Wavespell Astrology Pulse + Your Self Liberation
Sep 13, 2022
Hey beautiful soul,
A new manifestation cycle begins today!
Each cycle starts over every 13 days (called a wavespell), in the 13-moon Dreamspell Calendar system, and today is Day 1.
Let's see how we can super quickly translate the energies of this system along with the other big astrological events happening right now, shall we?
We're in Mercury retrograde and Virgo season, just coming out of the shadow period of the Pisces full moon.
And we've got a bunch of planets in retrograde.
That means we're reviewing and taking stock.
Getting all our sh** in order.
Health, finances, projects.
All of it needs to be revisited and reconsidered. Clean out those dusty corners.
It's the time to ask ourselves:
- What in our lives is in disarray or dis-order?
- What's keeping us from more optimal health, wellness, and soul happiness?
The energies of this wavespell are set by the White Mirror
(which happens to be the archetypal energy I am embodying up until my next birthday at the end of October).
Mirror is Order, Reflection of truth, and Endlessness.
White is refining.
In order to see the Truth clearly, we must polish the mirror.
Ask Yourself:
- What truth is being reflected back to you about your life right now?
- What refinement and order needs to be made?
Now that some deep inner material has been dug up from the past with the full moon, what do you need to do to use it as the sacred fuel to drive you forward on your healing, awakening, and soul empowerment journey?
Personally I'm integrating big insights from my most recent karmic healing hypnotherapy session (they have been SO good!!).
I'm walking the spiral path of self-healing.
Revisiting old themes and issues regarding my relationships with my mom, dad, sister, and my own wounding and beliefs created from experiences over time.
Issues that I thought I knew through and through, but as I continually work on my own soul freedom and dare to break the chains of fear and self- doubt, I ascend up the spiral path and get to see these from a new perspective.
With fresh eyes and the support of another clear mirror to reflect back the Truth that my soul needs to remember, I am self-liberating one day at time.
Self liberation is a choice.
No one can make it for you.
You're the only one that can choose.
And, you CAN choose.
In any moment, decide that you will choose yourself, and choose to listen and follow the direction of your soul.
Don't worry about it being perfect, that'll only trip you up longer.
Your actions are bound to be imperfect anyway, you're human.
Decide to choose your real perfection, which has always been there, and always will be.
Decide to choose the path of embodying your soul fully and freely.
Who you really are, an individualized aspect of Source, is always in a perfect state of wholeness.
Choose to look in the mirror and see the Truth reflected back to you.
If you have someone who acts as a sacred mirror for your soul and sees you in your highest potential, bless them with love and gratitude, for they are gifts from Spirit as a light post on the often times dark path.
P.S. Remember that I mentioned I had something really exciting coming up? Well, it's actually not just one, but TWO exciting opportunities for you! Seriously I might be crazy for doing this, but my heart just can't help it and says they both need to be made available. Keep your eyes open on the next few days for what I'm about to drop! One is a FREE online workshop on manifesting!
P.P.S. Since today is the start of a 13 day cycle it's the perfect day to set an intention for the next 10 days. Want fast and simple directions for the next 9 steps? I have a story highlight that walks you through what to do each day for 13 days. Click on the "Challenge" story in my IG profile here: https://www.instagram.com/theunicornpriestess/
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Try out my set of 4 Free Guided Meditations to Get You Spiritually Aligned and Get You Through the Day:
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