Everything, everything, is energy.
When we remember the truth that E=MC², we remember that everything is energy vibrating at a specific frequency, however fast or slow, and light or dense.
Different energies and frequencies carry and transmit different information.
And of course there is the empty space within which all energy moves, travels, is contained, and housed.
The fertile void, the no-thing.
Every energy, vibration, and frequency emitted is affecting and being affected in some way.
Just like the vibrations of sound, or the waves in the ocean, can collide and mix together.
Depending on their properties they are either resonant or dissonant.
When resonant, they move in harmony together, which creates a beautiful sound or artistic expression.
When dissonant, they move in disharmony, which creates discord, dis-ease, and the expression feels fractured, out of sync, out of tune, and disjointed.
Let's make it simple, for the sake of a helpful example.
Every person, every being, has it's own energetic feel.
You know the difference between the frequency regularly emitted by your most favorite person, versus someone you have a really hard time getting along with.
People and things are transmitters of their specific energy.
And there are people who are unhealthy and even toxic, and we need to get out of range to stop picking up their signal.
Just like when we enter deep into a forested area or the wilderness, we go out of range of wifi and cell phone data signals, and it gets so peacefully quiet.
You can feel the immense stillness.
Our whole being is constantly being bombarded by energies and frequencies that create disharmony and discord in our mental, emotional, psychic, and energetic fields. This of course affects our physical and somatic/body field, too.
Even when in nature, the trees, land, animals, and elements are all emitting and transmitting their natural energies that affect us.
But because they are not out of sync with the natural timing of the earth, her seasons, and the synergistic relationship with the sun and the moon, they have a calming, regulating, and healing effect on all aspects of our multidimensional being.
We can completely shift our relationship to our bodies, minds, and to life itself through realizing that we have the power to choose what energies and frequencies we want to tune into.
We can start to make more intentional and conscious choices about the channels, stations, and broadcasts that we are paying attention to.
It's a stark difference in the effects of tuning into a trashy TV station carrying information based on false images, lies, deception, and ego-driven motives, versus tuning into the alive and vibrant channels of the natural world.
Whether it's the ocean, the jungle, or a desert plane, the energy and information that's being transmitted soothes our overactive minds and our nervous systems get to rest in co-regulation with the natural world.
This is about tuning into the energies of what is REAL.
What is true, and not false.
We can choose to engage with the natural energies of the galactic bodies that are immediately around us, meaning that they are some of the loudest transmitters that are broadcasting information to us.
That would be the earth we call our home.
The Sun that gives us light, warmth, seasons, and growth.
And the Moon who gives us the dynamic and rhythmic flows of the tides, and invites us into the darkness.
When we tune into the energies of these specific beings, we can receive downloads and information that empowers and fortifies our own vitality, our life-force, our connection to our soul, and to Source.
The ancient mystics, wise people, and medicine people of the past knew this deeply.
They had intimate connections and relationships with all the realms of nature and life.
They recorded down the cosmic codes that were given to them from these celestial beings.
It is an incredible gift that these wisdom teachings have traveled through time here on earth and are available to us now.
For over a decade, I have been learning and developing my relationship to the energies of the sun and the moon through the galactic calendar system called the Dreamspell.
I cannot express the depth of gratitude that my soul will always have for being so lovingly introduced to this system, and shown
the possibilities it carries for supporting the awakening and evolution of a human soul.
It's an incredibly powerful system, and it seems to call to those who are ready to embark on a deeper journey of spiritual awakening, and who are
ready to claim their inherent nature as a sacred co-creator with Spirit.
This system is an alive and shamanic doorway into the natural harmonic frequencies of the cosmos.
If you are feeling called to learn more, all it requires is an open mind, a sincere heart, and a humble prayer to be shown what your soul is here to do.
If you think you might be a soul with a mission and wish to learn how to manifest a life that is your sacred calling, then I wholeheartedly invite you to claim free instant access for my 60-min masterclass:
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The Way of Sacred Manifestation | Free 1 HR Masterclass

β‘οΈβ‘οΈβ‘οΈClick here to gain free access and watch now: The Way of Sacred Manifestation Masterclass
Learn the 13-Moon Dreamspell system and receive the exact process that I use every day to manifest my soul’s purpose. Find out how to engage with the 13 unique feminine energies of the Moon so you can have a crystal clear pathway forward for what your soul is being called to do and start living the life your heart dreams of.
For Moon & Astrology Lovers, Healers, Awakening Old Souls, Lightworkers, and Medicine Folx
We’ll go over where this system came from, why it’s still powerful, and how it’s applicable to your life IMMEDIATELY.
This sacred system is a way for you to learn how to use your awareness to tap into the energies of the day, and embark on a path of self-discovery and soul-growth, as you move through each step in the process.