Your Vision Seeds
Dec 04, 2023I know you have a vision for yourself.
I know that, somewhere, deep in your awareness, you see yourself living your life very differently than where you are right now.
You imagine being out in the world, and feeling way more free.
Feeling more free and safe in your body, and free to be who you are.
Free to express all the facets of you.
You imagine what it feels like when all the parts of you can be accepted and allowed to show up. The parts of you that are:
Silly, smart, fun, playful, deep, wise, artistic, creative, imperfect, beautiful, messy, skillful, adventurous, curious, open…
Silly, smart, fun, playful, deep, wise, artistic, creative, imperfect, beautiful, messy, skillful, adventurous, curious, open…
You dream of a better living situation, a better work environment, better friendships, more security, safety, and stability.
You have a future vision of a better life for yourself, and this vision pulls you forward.
It calls to you.
It beckons you to try.
It calls to you.
It beckons you to try.
These visions you have are powerful.
They're calling you to a life of being in your purpose.
They're calling you to a life of being in your purpose.
But what happens is the struggle.
You get disconnected from these visions.
You don't even remember them at times because you're just trying to make it through the week.
When your present circumstances are full of stress, and the difficulty of life in general is added on top, it's hard to access the motivation of your vision.
You get disconnected from these visions.
You don't even remember them at times because you're just trying to make it through the week.
When your present circumstances are full of stress, and the difficulty of life in general is added on top, it's hard to access the motivation of your vision.
I often hear the complaint, that the future vision feels so far away from where that person is right now.
The part of the mind that is limited, says:
It's nearly impossible
It's going to take so long
It's going to take so much work
or, it doesn't know how you're even going to get there.
It's nearly impossible
It's going to take so long
It's going to take so much work
or, it doesn't know how you're even going to get there.
It feels confused.
The limited mind doesn't know the steps.
The limited mind doesn't know the steps.
But that vision is there, nonetheless.
It's a seed planted in your consciousness whether you like it or not.
It's a seed planted in your consciousness whether you like it or not.
There are vision seeds planted in you that you didn't necessarily put there.
They were put there by something greater, something wiser.
They were put there by something greater, something wiser.
So what do we do with these dreams living inside of us?
Do we just let them wither away or die out?
Do we just let them wither away or die out?
That is one option.
Nobody says we have to do anything with the visions, dreams, goals, or desires that are in our hearts.
Nobody says we have to do anything with the visions, dreams, goals, or desires that are in our hearts.
I only know that, for me, imagining getting to the end of my life and dying with my visions still inside of me, never having fully gone for it and tried to make them real, fills me with a sense of regret, sadness, and disappointment.
I know that when we have made the decision to follow our inner visions, and then start taking steps towards aligning with them, we are filled with a sense of aliveness, motivation, and a drive that is sourced from something much, much deeper.
My soul sparkles with delight every time I get to walk alongside others and support them to do the work of listening to their deepest dreams, and help them discover each next step of how to make them come to life.
The work of healing our past, taking back our power in the present, and aligning ourselves to the higher visions of our future, is the work I do—both on myself, and with my clients—day in and day out.
I've dedicated the last decades of my life to learning from the people who are skillful masters in their fields, and who deeply understand the territories, such as: healing, spirituality, psychology, mindset, somatics, the intersection of science and nonduality, and the nature of consciousness as a developmental and evolutionary process.
It's taken literally hundreds of years of collective study to map out these territories, and to find the universal threads between them.
I count myself among those visionaries who are in love with exploring and awakening their own consciousness.
And, when you have listened to enough real people share the innermost workings of their own consciousness, you see archetypal patterns, threads, similarities, and differences.
That's how I know that you have a deeper vision for yourself.
And I know this vision that lights up your soul is woven into your being, and it's just waiting to be activated.
I've gotten some really cool, and unexpected feedback from various people, whether it's a client, a colleague, a friend, or a romantic relationship, that when they come into contact with me, they feel suddenly activated, motivated, and inspired.
I do believe that a lesser-known part of my magic (though it's very multidimensional) is being an abundance activator for those wanting to align with their soul path.
I believe that we need as many activated old souls as possible, who feel empowered and supported enough, to finally start to following their higher visions they've been holding inside.
I'm inviting in the next group of souls who feel drawn to doing the transformative work that is essential in bridging the gap between their current reality and their desired future.
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Here's to watering and nurturing your dream seeds ❤️🔥🌱🌌
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