15 Min. Guided Meditation for your Soul Activation and Spiritual Ascension Journey
Jan 30, 2021🎁 Here's a special something for your weekend: A guided meditation that happens to be pretty perfect for the Leo full moon 🌕 we just had a couple days ago, along with Mercury now retrograding in the sign of Aquarius. ♒
Let's keep reframing our mindset around Mercury retrograde, so as not to continue the fear and dread around this celestial occurrence.
Let's engage with the energies and their gifts of opportunity to go inside, to take time to reflect, review, reevaluate, and reassess. We'll be reflecting on our intellectual pursuits, our connections with our communities, and how we can be aligned in integrating our higher knowledge and wisdom with our heart and soul intuition.
We can reflect on our idealistic visions, and contemplate how our words, thoughts, motivations, intentions, actions and deeds, are either moving us towards it, or away from it.
This Leo full moon has asked us to step forward, to be authentically bold. It asks you authentically YOU.
To be aligned in the fierce power that comes from living life centered solidly in the heart, and to shine your light into the world. It is about bringing our creative self-expression to the forefront and stepping into your brilliance!
I uploaded a 15 minute guided meditation on my new YouTube channel (The Unicorn Priestess) that will help you with these astrological energies! If you allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience, you'll receive a potent soul activation, and get to reflect on the deep questions of what your soul really wants. I then guide you through a powerful intention setting process.
You can find the meditation video here: https://youtu.be/BPJNB8_JZNQ
From my heart and soul to yours, I hope you truly enjoy.
May you be happy, shiny, and sparkle as the LIGHT that you ARE.
Need a little meditation in your life but don't have a lot of time?
Try out my set of 4 Free Guided Meditations to Get You Spiritually Aligned and Get You Through the Day:
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