Galactic Astrology Update | New 28-Day Cycle: Overtone Peacock Moon

Nov 17, 2023

The 28-Day Lunar Cycle

Overtone Peacock Moon 11/15 through 12/12


We are now in a new 28-day period (a lunar month) until Dec. 12, 2023.

Nov. 15th kicks off a lunar month of the ‘Overtone Peacock Moon’ (11/15-12/12), which is the 5th month of the current 13 lunar months for this galactic year.


Here’s a look at the current astrological forces that are impacting our lives, relationships, and spiritual development.


Current cosmic energies:

  • Continuing being in the Underworld Descent (Last leg of Scorpio Season)
  • Intensity, Emotionality, Personal Transformations, Death & Rebirth Cycle
  • Moving into Sagittarius season (From the deep waters of Scorpio to fire-y expansion on 11/22)
  • Dealing with the fallout of our eclipse season we had, deeper personal reflection, and taking the hard look in the mirror at our own old patterns and somatic habits/strategies that we no longer wish to continue or carry into the future
  • Shedding, letting go of the dead leaves, moving closer to the naked death point of deep winter (N. Hemisphere) where we can be humbled, purified, and be made anew with the grace of Truth and Love washing through our whole being.


In the 13-moon calendar, there are 13 cycles of 28 days. (13x28=364 days)

Each 28-day moon cycle holds a different energetic frequency, which simply means that the lunar month itself has its own unique qualities that influence our awareness and focus.

Last month’s focus was about putting our dreams, goals, and desires onto paper. This time we have an entire lunar month of increasing the energy we’re putting into our creative endeavors, and tapping into the resources we need in order to more fully empower ourselves.


The greater themes for the Overtone Peacock Moon will be:

  • Resourcing - gathering the resources we need that will help us move towards where we want to go
  • Self-Empowerment - any and all things that support your personal empowerment journey. It’s time to take the next step of embodying your true power—your soul essence, and shine brighter.
  • Standing in the CORE of your radiant STAR SELF. (5 is the star, the pentagram, the human being, the apple of knowledge that brings wisdom and power to make choices)


It’ll be a great time to resource yourself, tap into all the resources you already have (both physical and non-physical), and dive into personal empowerment processes.


The totem animal of the peacock for this moon energy invites us to know our divine beauty that always exists inside, and to radiantly share and express ourselves, as we are. Don’t be afraid to emit your natural radiance that is sourced from your true nature (pure Spirit/pure Awareness).


Reflect and ask yourself:

  • What are the resources I need in order to manifest my soul’s desires?
  • What do I need to empower myself?
  • Where am I still giving my power away?
  • What’s 1 specific area in my life that I can make the choice to take back my power?
  • What helps me remember my wise and sovereign soul power?

What about you?

Share with me in the comments one thing (a new belief, a practice, a mantra, or affirmation) that will help you remember your divine power?

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