Galactic Astrology Update | New 28-Day Cycle: Planetary Dog Moon
Apr 04, 2024The 28-Day Lunar Cycle
Planetary Dog Moon 4/4/2024 through 5/1/2024
In this post I'm sharing my insights on the current astrological forces that are impacting our lives, relationships, and spiritual development.
This astrology forecast is about the 28-day lunar cycle that starts 4/42024.
This is one of the two main cycles that I give forecasts on from the 13-moon Dreamspell Calendar.
While I focus on intuitively reading and transmitting the cosmic energies from the lens of the 13-Moon Galactic Calendar, I also weave in the influences of the current astrological alignments, since they have an enormous impact on how we're experiencing reality and moving through our unique life circumstances.
May it bring some illumination to your current personal life situations.
We are now in a new 28-day period (a lunar month) until May 1, 2024.
April 4th kicked off a lunar month of the ‘Planetary Dog Moon’ (4/4-5/1), which is the 10th month of the 13 lunar months for this current galactic year.
Current cosmic energies:
- New moon in Aries 4/8
- 4/8 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE! This eclipse season is potent and important because it’s related to the total solar eclipse we had in 2017!
- Mercury retrograde in Aries 4/1-4/25
- Manifestation! Finally bringing into form everything that we’ve been working on for the past 9-10 months!
- Aries season ends 4/19 & Taurus season starts 4/20
- Our next big spiritual breakthrough opportunity is here!
- We are being catapulted through our shadows and asked to enter NOW back into the Truth of LOVE and UNITY consciousness, and stabilize it into our 3-D physical bodies.
In the 13-moon calendar, there are 13 cycles of 28 days. (13x28=364 days)
Each 28-day moon cycle holds a different energetic frequency, which simply means that the lunar month itself has its own unique qualities that influence our awareness and focus.
Last month’s focus was about taking aligned action and getting to work!
This time we have an entire lunar month of finally seeing the manifestation of everything that we’ve been intending and dreaming up over the past 9-10 months.
We’ve been dreaming, stabilizing, activating, planning, resourcing, balancing, aligning, harmonizing, and doing.
The birth is here.
We are now called to finally birth our souls dreams into form. It’s time to perfect what we’ve been creating.
This month, we’re getting to see the fruits of our labor.
We’re getting to see what is the result of the seeds we’ve planted, and how we’ve tended to them or not.
This cycle holds the second eclipse of the first eclipse portal of this year.
And this is a big one, because it’s RARE that we (here in the U.S.A.) get to experience a total solar eclipse moving across our land with a path of totality right above us.
The last time this happened was August 21, 2017, and they say that getting to see two of these in one lifetime rarely ever happens!
Go back and see what you were doing in your life in August 2017. Whatever themes or things you were working on with your healing and spiritual awakening path, will be up for you, if you’re not feeling them already.
For me, that eclipse in 2017 was the time when I was at my first 10-day Vipassana retreat. As I was sitting in deep meditation, I broke through the deepest layers of the mind, and was blown open to Truth. I stayed in a deep state of pure liberation and flow for weeks.
It makes perfect sense to me that my spiritual work is deepening, and I was just able to register for an upcoming shaktipat next month.🪷
Through this next period through 5/1, the greater themes for this Planetary Dog Moon cycle will be:
- Manifestation - The creation process of bringing something from the intangible, non-physical realms into manifest form here on earth.
- Perfecting - Putting the final touches on the projects and finishing things!
- Producing - Imagine the moment when the fruit produced from a tree becomes perfectly sweet, juicy, and is ripe.
It’ll be a great time to finish things!
If you’ve manifested something and it’s finally here, how can you put the finishing touches on things, and bring it to a final state of perfection?
What will be the final garnish on the soul dish you’ve labored over and cooked up?
As a caveat, remember that we can delight in putting the final touches on something, but the shadow of it is perfectionism—where we remain stuck in not producing the thing because our mind is stuck in feeling that it’s not good enough yet.
So if you need to at any point, remember that ‘good enough’ and complete can often times be better than not done at all.
This is the time to reflect and ask yourself:
- What are the things you need to bring to completion?
- What are the things you need to finally bring into reality?
- You can think of this also in terms of the eclipse - what are old ways of being that you are done with? What is the final result of your current true form that you have been birthing over the past 9 months?
- What does it mean to you to create? How is it for you to follow something all the way from inner nudge, idea, vision, all the way to having it be made real, alive, and complete?
🔮 Claim it with me by sharing a comment on what you’re birthing into reality right now with this eclipse! 🌑
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