Galactic Astrology: Blue Hand Wavespell August 3-15 2024

13moon cosmic wisdom dreamspell galactic calendar soul path wavespell Aug 03, 2024

Today marks the beginning of the next 13-day cycle!

This time, it’s the wavespell of the Blue Hand.

Let's take a quick look at the Blue Hand energies, so you can have a better idea on how to flow with this cycle.

Blue Hand is the archetype that holds the energies of HEALING, KNOWLEDGE, ACCOMPLISHMENT.

The color blue in the Dreamspell system is TRANSFORMING, and is associated with the direction of WEST.

The energy of Blue Hand invites us to engage in the good work of using our gained knowledge for the purposes of healing, and meaningful accomplishment.


This is a profound 13-day cycle to dive into your personal healing work.

It blends together the notions of “hands-on” healing, or work with your hands, along with the necessity of knowledge in order to accomplish the work that is to be done in this lifetime.

Our hands our powerful.

They are what sets us apart from the other creatures of this earth.

They allow us to create, to express ourselves through what we do with them, and they allow us to facilitate energy transmission and healing.

We know that a gentle and attuned touch with our hands can transmit the most meaningful messages (information transfer) and facilitate deep healing.

Sometimes, we need to “get our hands dirty”, meaning we need to roll up our sleeves and dive into the work that is laid out before us; whether that’s soul healing work, personal transformation work, or literal tasks and the ‘to-do list’ work that leads us forward in living this human life.

Blue Hand archetype asks us to reflect on what it is that we want to accomplish, and what knowledge we already have or need to seek out that can help us succeed.

In the original Mayan astrology, Blue Hand is the Deer, which represents gentleness, grace, and serenity.

Ancient Indian spiritual traditions teach us that practicing mudras or hand positions are extremely powerful and can affect the flow of energy, as well as express a deeper language of the soul.

When you see dancers or artists who have incredible accuracy in how they move their hands, something in us can feel moved by the grace and deep level of wisdom that is expressed with the fluid motions.

What to do over the next 13 days:

Play with Blue Hand’s energies throughout this cycle. Use these questions as prompts for inner reflection and further insight.

🪬 How does Blue Hand’s energies of knowledge, healing, and accomplishment make sense to you?

🪬 What skills do your hands express?

🪬 Do you have sacred gifts with your hands?

🪬 What healing work have you been avoiding that you feel is time to address?

🪬 What knowledge or information do you need in order to accomplish your deeper goals?

Ariel Spilsbury—High Priestess and author of The Mayan Oracle—suggests the following for this cycle: 

"Strongly claim in prayer or meditation that you are willing and ready to receive the tools appropriate to your present development. You are worthy to receive these tools. Allow Blue Hand's wave to wash away any remnant of unworthiness, that you may fully receive the gifts that are your birthright to use and enjoy.”


✨May you feel held by the divine hands of Source in every moment that you need. May we all remember that we are so held, way more than we know. 🙏

May We All Awaken to More Love,


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