Why being yourself means breaking free

higher self self-expression self-liberation soul path spiritual awakening Nov 26, 2023

Freeing yourself is being your Self 🪷

The more we find our true Self, the more we also free ourselves from the false identities (egoic strategies) that keep us contracted physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
The only way I know how to truly be 100% free, is to be 100% yourself.
Nobody is truly free if they are not fully themselves.
This is something all the ancient sages, master teachers, and enlightened guides demonstrate.
They are completely themselves, with their full unapologetic, unhindered Self-expression.
They're just real.
What I mean by being yourself is the difference between the small 's' self and the capital 'S' Self that is used in transpersonal psychology and spiritual literature.
The small self is the ego-personality and limiting personal identity.
The Big Self or True Self is the soul, higher Self, us as an individualized aspect of Spirit, and completely whole and One with all.
When I'm talking about being yourself, it should really be typed as being 'your Self' with a separate and capital 'S'.
How many of us can honestly say that we are 100% ourselves?
Being your complete, authentic, and natural self is a journey.
Freeing yourself from all the ways you're captive inside is a journey.
Self-liberation is a journey.
We GET to learn how to liberate and free our true Self from the mental, emotional, and psychological cages that delude us into believing false things about who we are.
We GET to learn how to become free of the negative conditioning that we received growing up.
We GET to identify limiting beliefs that we have about who we are, what we're capable of, and what we can do with our own lives, and swap them out for beliefs that are based on deeper values and ethics, such as love, truth, compassion, unity, cooperation, synergy, and inclusivity.
We have to let ourself feel the deep pain of core beliefs that keep us entranced with the self-image of not being enough (good enough, smart enough, wealthy enough, accomplished enough, attractive enough, etc.) and not being wanted, not being important, not being valued, and believing that we don't matter and need to prove ourselves in order to be worthy of love, connection, affection, attention, support, abundance, care, or healthy things.
Being your self is the journey of self-discovery, because while we're all the same in terms of experiencing the human condition, we are each very unique.
We have differently wired brains, bodies, gifts and talents, and we each have our own unique combination of qualities, traits, characteristics, quirks, preferences, and dislikes.
We each have an ability to tap into brilliance, that is sourced from a divine realm.
By being on this life journey, we get to find out who we are.
By going through a variety of experiences, good, bad, difficult, confusing, painful, joyful, and exciting, we get to learn about who we are.
And, we also get the opportunity to choose more of how we want to be.
If I decide that I want to be a more loving person, then I'm already taking a step towards being that which I truly am.
Whenever we take a step towards embodying higher core values and principles, we naturally move closer to our truest, whole Self.
When we feel our best or most amazing, it's because we are being our wholeness.
It feels incredible (though sometimes edgy) when we know that we are being authentic, genuine, and real—when there's no suppression, coping mechanisms, or survival strategies taking over.
Perhaps the #1 reason why many people are unhappy with their lives is when they are not free to fully be themselves—to be their best, or to feel their best.
On some level, the deepest part of them—their spirit—knows that the best of them is not coming out. It's the darker, uglier, or false parts of them that are being expressed in the world.
It doesn't feel good when we're not being ourselves.

What also occurs when this way of living happens over a long period of time, is that we feel very far away from our true self, and may feel like we don't even know ourselves anymore.
Then the questions start to arise, but in an existential crisis sort of way: Who am I really? What kind of person am I?
These are always questions that are divinely inspired to spark more awareness and consciousness around the most important question:
Who are you?
We can engage with these questions, no matter what state we're in.
I invite you to allow the following inquiries to help you move closer to your soul's essence.
❤️‍🔥 Who are you beyond your ego personality?
❤️‍🔥 Who are you beyond any persona you can put on?
❤️‍🔥 Who are you beyond the trauma that happened?
❤️‍🔥 Who are you beyond any achievements or material possessions you have?
❤️‍🔥 Who are you beyond gender, age, nationality, or job title?
When you strip away all of these, and you're simply here, present in this moment, who are you? 👁️✨

May your path be blessed.

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