Your soul gets lit up when…
Nov 29, 2023My life is a tapestry woven with various journeys,
all interconnected under the umbrella of this lifetime's grand adventure.
all interconnected under the umbrella of this lifetime's grand adventure.
I remember being a young child and feeling joy,
feeling free to play.
I remember not yet worrying about what I looked like, sounded like, or did.
I remember becoming self-conscious, worrying so much about my appearance.
I remember praying to have clear skin instead of acne.
I remember feeling cool, having friends, and having good times.
I remember being dramatic, getting swept up in the bigness emotions,
as kids often do,
but somewhere deeper inside was a neutral watcher that never really believed any of it,
and knew it was an act to some degree.
I remember not knowing what it meant at age 9 that my parents were getting a divorce, and what that was going to mean for my sense of who I was.
I remember being ridiculed, publicly humiliated in front of my classes multiple times, and I remember crying a lot—the memory of crying, alone, into my bowl of instant ramen at the kitchen table stands out.
That was 8th grade, just before changing schools into high school.
I remember having a high school sweetheart, and a couple of years into it, writing to him in a letter that I didn't feel like myself—that I felt like I had lost myself.
I didn't even know what that meant.
At that time, it was just a sense I had.
I remember beginning to discover that there was a path to healing, towards self-discovery, and that there was a plethora of literature, research, and entire fields of study dedicated to returning to your whole sense of self.
Fast forward 14 years to now, and I can say with a lot more certainty, that I am much more myself than I have ever been.
I also know, that I still have a long way to go to integrate what I have seen with my own consciousness.
I've got much more to go to stabilize the higher truths in my entire being, in order to truly embody my true essence.
To me, there is no other work to be doing while we're here.
For those of us that are here on a soul mission,
we are driven to heal the pains of our past (including past life karmas).
We are driven to keep expanding our awareness.
We are driven to keep practicing coming from Love, and from Truth.
We are driven to stand in our power, and know what right use of it means.
And we are driven to help support others to do the same.
If you're here on a soul mission, your soul gets lit up every time you remember the pieces of your life, and see that it has created the most perfectly beautiful mandala for you to learn, grow, and evolve from.
Every fragment of your life has contributed to the magnificent orchestra of your existence—a masterpiece waiting to be explored, understood, and evolved.
For the old souls that are awakening (that's you),
we are here to do three main things:
we are here to do three main things:
🪷 Experience
🪷 Express
🪷 Evolve
These actions propel us forward on our soul's mission, igniting our passion with each realization of life's intricate design.
This is my life's work.
If you're curious to follow my journey further, keep your eyes peeled for my posts in the next weeks to find out more details of my signature soul medicine program that I'm re-opening in 2024.
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